Reflections on the Rosary and Sexual Immorality

When praying the Rosary many people see it and use it as a form of intercessory prayer. While the Rosary is used to invoke the prayers of Our Lady, the Rosary can also serve as one of the best methods for meditation. This is not a new idea though. When we pray the Rosary we are meant to meditate on the mysteries of each decade. But I propose that the people who most desperately need the meditation of the Rosary are adolescent men. If you are in your pre-teen to teenage years or you have a child who is a teenager, become acquainted and introduce them to the power of prayer (a great resource for introducing the power and benefit of prayer is Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly). Once prayer is introduced, and a personal connection to God is made, make it a habit to be unbroken. Most of the time, however, morning and evening prayers are not enough to satisfy the soul. This spiritual malnourishment leads men and women to comprise and indulge in their sin. And no one is more in danger of the wickedness and snares of the devil then our young brothers in Christ. The secular media continues to push sexual promiscuity and lust. It should come as no surprise that young men keep falling back into the sin of sexual immorality. This is where the Rosary comes in. When praying the Rosary meditate and reflect on each Hail Mary. Focus on Mary's grace, virginity, and fidelity. A woman who was always faithful to her Son and God the Father, and who was never defiled. Praying and meditating on the Hail Mary can help young, and even older men, overcome their sexual desires. By praying to and honoring Mary, our tortured brothers in Christ, we hope, will come to see and honor all women as they do Mary. May God bless you, Our Lady pray for you, and St. Michael protect you in battle.

“Let those who think that the Church pays too much attention to Mary give heed to the fact that Our Blessed Lord Himself gave ten times as much of His life to her as He gave to His Apostles.” - Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, The World’s First Love: Mary Mother of God


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