Reflections on the Most Holy Mass - 6/19/2017

If you're a well seasoned Catholic you probably know that last week was the Feast of Corpus Christi. All over the world, parishes celebrated the most Holy Eucharist and first communion. I myself was so overfilled with joy watching the Feast of Corpus Christi that I couldn't get rid of an uncontrollable grin that crept it's way onto my face.

After the Mass, the priest led a procession around the parish for those receiving their first communion. As the procession continued, I had an overwhelming and indescribable joy wash over my heart. I just felt so at peace. The chanters with their dulcet voices only brought into perspective the Eucharist, the rose petals left by the altar boys, and all the women and girls wearing chapel veils. Seeing all the beauty in the tradition of the Extraordinary Mass made me appreciate the fact that I am not a cradle Catholic.

As I've noticed among many of the faithful, cradle Catholics don't really show as much appreciation for the Church as converts do. More often than not, many laity see the sacraments as an obligation rather than a gift. This is something I've come to understand and appreciate in my conversion process. As I've watched all the faithful go up to receive communion, I've remained in my pew (for I am not Catholic yet) observing and taking in the real presence of Christ. You could say I receive my own type of communion every Mass. May God bless you, Our Lady pray for you, and St. Michael protect you in battle.

“In the Eucharist a communion takes place that corresponds to the union of man and woman in marriage. Just as they become 'one flesh', so in Communion we all become 'one spirit', one person, with Christ.” 
― Pope Benedict XVI


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